Dig Into Transition
Dig Into Transition
Secondary Transition Services help students with disabilities move from high school to the wild, wonderful world of adulthood. Below are a few resources to help students, families & staff with the Transition Process.
- 24 credits & Graduation Pathway
- 60 hours Service Learning (Form)
- Service Learning ideas from:
HSBP (High School & Beyond Plan)
- HSBP-OSPI (Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction)
- Clever login for SPS HSBP (High School & Beyond Plan) platform-Naviance
- Aligning HSBPs (High School & Beyond Plans) & IEPs (Individual Education Plan) Transition Plans
Jobs & Internships
- SPS Career Quest Internships-Regional internships for SPS students (school year & summer)
- Looking for a job? Resume tips & ideas on how to find a job:
- Visual Resumes
Resumes tips from:
Pre-ETS (Pre-Employment Transition Services)
- SPS Pre-ETS-Pre-Employment Transition Services for students with disabilities (IEP, 504 or documented disabilities), ages 14-21
- DVR Pre-ETS-Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Pre-Employment Transition Services
Post-Secondary Options
- Seattle Promise at Seattle Colleges
- Explore Programs & Career Pathways at Seattle Colleges (3 months certificates to 2 year AA/AS degrees + transfer to 4-year)
- South Seattle Georgetown Apprenticeships
- Apprenticeships in Washington
- Apprenticeship info from The Center HS
- Community & Technical Colleges in Washington (34)
- King County STW (School to Work)
Transition Planning
- Student-Led IEP meetings from CCTS (Center for Change in Transition Services)
- T-Folio free Transition Portfolio for teens with disabilities from CCTS (Center for Change in Transition Services)
- Writing Effective Transition Plans for high school with examples-SEL, Autism, SLD, ID
For more info about any of these topics, feel free to reach out to SPS CTE & Special Education teacher Katherine Meyer at kemeyer@hitchedhike.com
Other Transition-Related Resources:
- CCTS-Center for Change in Transition Services
- DDA-Developmental Disabilities Administration
- DVR-Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Learning at Work–>CTE credit for your job/internship
- Seattle Public Schools-504 Student Accommodations
- Seattle Public Schools- BRIDGES, 18-21 Transition Program
- Seattle Public Schools-CTE (Career & Technical Education)
- Seattle Public Schools- Seattle Skills Center
- Seattle Public Schools-Special Education
- Seattle Public Schools-Transition & Adult Services