International Baccalaureate (IB)
General Information for 2020-21 School Year
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) offers a continuum of international education. Students that complete the IB Diploma Program also meet all Washington state and district high school requirements.
The programs encourage both personal and academic achievement, challenging students to advance in their studies and in their personal development. Students who take IB exams, which are administered annually in November and May, have the chance to earn college credit, college advanced placement, or both, depending on their score and the college they plan to attend.
As of May 2019, Senate Bill 5410 requires that all Washington state public “institutions of higher education must establish a coordinated, evidence-based policy for granting as many undergraduate college credits, as possible and appropriate, to students who have earned a minimum score of three on Advanced Placement exams” (RCW 28B.10.054).
This means that students who earn a passing score on any IB Exam and plan to attend a Washington state public college or university can learn ahead of time which type of college credit their college or university will award with the passage of the student’s IB Exam. Students and families should check the college or university website to get further details regarding college credits and IB Exam scores.
IB Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end, the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Seattle Public Schools offers two IB programs for high school students during their last two years of high school. Although students can complete individual IB courses without enrolling in one of the two IB programs offered, it is recommended that students select one of the following programs to experience the complete benefits of the comprehensive programs.
The Diploma Programme (DP) curriculum is made up of six traditional subject areas as well as the IB core curriculum. The IB core curriculum includes theory of knowledge, creativity, activity, service and the extended essay, which must be completed by the end of the student’s senior year. Students in the IB Diploma Programme can take an IB exam in any of the six subject areas. Read more about the Diploma Programme.
The IB Diploma Programme is currently offered at Ingraham, Chief Sealth International, and Rainier Beach high schools.
The Career-related Programme (CP) is a framework of international education that incorporates the values of the IB into a program that addresses the needs of students interested in career-related education. This program prepares students for higher education, apprenticeships or employment after high school.
Students complete a minimum of 2 IB Diploma Programme courses, a core of an additional four components, (personal and professional skills, service learning, language development, reflective project) and a career-related study. Read more about the Career-related Programme.
The IB Career-related Programme is offered at Chief Sealth International High School and Rainier Beach High School.
Learn more: There are several ways to learn more about how students may benefit from taking IB courses. Students and families can talk with their high school counselor or IB Coordinator and read more on the International Baccalaureate website.
IB Exam Registration Information
Seattle Public School (SPS) students who wish to take IB exams at their high school must register to take the exam in the fall each year. Each of the three SPS high schools manages their registration process.
IB Exam Fees for SPS
The SPS registration fee to take an IB Exam for 2020 ranges from no cost to the student up to $175 per exam depending on the high school that the student attends. Registrations that are not completed by the IB exam registration deadline date each year may be cancelled and exams may not be ordered.
Please contact your high school’s IB Coordinator (listed below) if you have questions about IB programs or exam registration.
Chief Sealth International High School
Allison Hays akhays@hitchedhike.com
Ingraham High School
Laura Turner laturner@hitchedhike.com
Angela Peck alpeck@hitchedhike.com
Rainier Beach High School
Steven Miller smmiller@hitchedhike.com
For general questions about the IB program at Seattle Public Schools, please contact the District Program Coordinator for IB
Bhumi Dalia bhdalia@hitchedhike.com
IB Exam Fee Reductions and Waivers
All 3 high schools offer IB exam fee waivers and reduced fees for students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) services. If students or families believe they may qualify for an IB exam fee education or fee waiver and have not completed a Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) form, please complete the SPS confidential FRL form online.
You may also request a paper copy of the form from a high school counselor or IB Coordinator.
School staff may assist students and families to complete the FRL form as needed. Students and families MUST mark the checkbox on the back of the form to indicate that the family would like to access the added benefits that come with the FRL status, such as IB fee waivers. IB Coordinators are notified if a student is eligible for an IB fee waiver. Students and families who are eligible for reduced fees or waivers should request the waiver when completing the IB Exam registration forms.
IB Courses
There are a variety of IB courses available at the three IB high schools. Below are the 2020-21 IB Course AND programs that are offered at the three comprehensive high schools.
IB course offerings may change annually based on staffing and student enrollment.
IB Diploma Program
- Student studies six subjects (three at standard level (SL) and three at higher level (HL) over two years.
- Student completes theory of knowledge (tok) course – an interdisciplinary course designed to help students question and understand how they know what they know.
- Student completes the extended essay — a personal research project culminating in a 4,000-word essay in an area of personal interest by the end of their senior year.
- Student completes 18 months of creativity, activity & service (cas) tasks outside of the classroom. These can be a wide variety of extracurricular, community service, and athletic options to fulfill this requirement.
- Student earns a minimum of 24 points out of a possible 45 points on the final IB assessments (exams) in order to receive an IB diploma.